Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game that was released in 2017. The game is built around the premise of sneaking into a neighbor's house to find out what they are hiding. The player can use various tactics to sneak around the house, such as hiding in closets and under beds. The game also includes various puzzles that the player has to solve in order to get past the house. The game has had mixed reviews, with some people criticizing the game for having an obnoxiously loud soundtrack, and others praising the game for its replayability.


The gameplay in Hello Neighbor consists of the player sneaking around the house, hiding in closets, under beds, and in various other places. The player also needs to solve puzzles in order to make it past the house. The player can also explore the house, but if they get caught by the neighbor, the neighbor will follow them around the house. There are three different endings to the game, depending on what the player is trying to do. In order to get the best endings, the player must explore the house and gather enough clues, which will help them solve the puzzles.


The graphics in Hello Neighbor are largely positive, but have been criticized for not being the most detailed. The graphics are very well done, and the game has a more realistic feel. The graphics are also realistic, and the player can tell that they are sneaking around a house. The graphics also have a good style, and have been praised for their realism.

Information about replayability of Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor has a lot of replayability, with there being three endings. There is also a lot of replayability with the puzzles that the player must solve in order to get past the house. The player can also explore the house, and there are a lot of different items to find.


Hello Neighbor is a good game, with the player being able to explore the house, and there are a lot of different items to find. The game has a lot of replayability, with there being three different endings and the puzzle that the player must solve in order to get past the house. The graphics are very well done, and the game has a more realistic feel.


  • The graphics are very well done, and the game has a more realistic feel
  • The player can explore the house, and there are a lot of different items to find
  • There are three different endings to the game
  • There is a lot of replayability with the puzzles the player must solve in order to get past the house
  • There is a lot of replayability with the different endings
  • The player can sneak around the house and hide in different places
  • There is a lot of replayability with the different endings


  • The graphics are not the most detailed
  • The player can get caught by the neighbor, and then the neighbor will follow them around the house
  • The game has an obnoxiously loud soundtrack
  • The graphics are not the most detailed
  • The game can get repetitive, and is very similar to other games