The latest show in the Lucasfilm universe, Skeleton Crew, has delighted Star Wars enthusiasts with a surprise reference that links back to the classic tale of Peter Pan. This subtle nod showcases Jude Law's portrayal of an iconic character from the beloved story. In this series, a droid character named SM-33, voiced by Nick Frost, has caught the attention of fans. The clever name is reminiscent of Smee, the loyal companion to Captain Hook. Law's recent role as Captain Hook in the film adaptation of Peter Pan and Wendy, featuring comedian Jim Gaffigan as Smee, has sparked speculation among viewers about the connection.
One viewer highlighted the coincidence, noting, "His name is literally Smee," and remarked on the character's peg leg, suggesting the parallels are clear.
Additionally, insights emerged regarding SM-33's design, which some fans believe is influenced by Major Domo from the classic sci-fi musical Captain EO, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. This film featured Michael Jackson as Captain EO, who led a diverse team on a quest to present a mystical gift to The Supreme Leader, an evil witch portrayed by Anjelica Huston. Captain EO remained a staple at various Disney parks from 1986 until 1998 and saw a brief revival after Jackson's passing in 2009.
Interestingly, a character named Neel in Skeleton Crew bears a resemblance to Hooter, the elephant-like creature from Captain EO. Fans speculate that the creators might have taken inspiration from this character when designing Neel.
Skeleton Crew is available for viewing weekly on Disney Plus, and fans can stay informed by checking the release schedule.
For those interested, there is also a spoiler-free review of Skeleton Crew available, alongside a comprehensive guide to future Star Wars movies and TV shows, detailing the vast content the beloved galaxy has to offer.